Saturday, September 4, 2010

Two sides

1)So what had happened was:
Our 2003 car has discovered mine and my husband's love affair and wants nothing to do with either one of us. He has put a lot of work into that defiant piece of snot. My man drove the car to the school. He got out and I hopped in and took off. I get out onto the main road and the thing dies while doing about 30mph. Great!!! Interestingly enough, a cop was behind me when I came to the stop light. He just looked all annoyed and went around me when the light turned green and I couldn't budge the car. Gee thanks. Yeah, I know, NOT their job.

Any who, once I did get the car into a parking lot, I tried calling information so I could contact my husband and let him know where I was. Apparantly, there is no such place as the University of Houston in Houston, Texas. 411 didn't have the 411!!! Get out of here! Twilight ZONE music was playing in my head.

Well, my man with his inkling that something was going to go wrong (HA!) walked over to where I was. After telling him what happened he said that it would be alright and walked me around to the passenger seat and asked me to get in. Still all in a huffy about there not being a damn University of Houston, I sat. And would you know, the thing started. He drove home. Albeit, he fought with it several times. So the next time I drop my husband off at the imaginary university, I better lie my ass off about sleeping with my husband OR just buy another car -heh.

2) OK, REALITY (a car void of life and therefore void of conspiracy and jealousy):
The MAF sensor stopped working and the car died while traveling. This IS suspicious cuz when we got the catalytic converter replaced, the shop guys PLUM forgot to seal the holes they put in the manifold. Two weeks went by before we went to get the car inspected. The sweet guy at the inspection place pointed it out to my man. My husband took it back to the shop so they could fix their "oopsie."

Well, my husband replaced the MAFsensor. This happened after he changed the air filter, changed belts, cleaned this and that, wrestled with the air conditioning, and now the darn transmission isn't working right (the trans fluid smells burnt and is the wrong color). JOY!!! So now my hands are in the air and he took it to a DIFFERENT shop to get the transmission looked at.

Yeah...the first view was more fun to write.

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