Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bring It On

Here we go with a defining semester in college. I am taking another math course, 2 sciences with labs and a second psyc class...oh goodness.

Goal (although lofty)-stay organized.

In previous semesters, I had a spiral notebook for each class. Not a good idea!!! I wrote in the wrong subject notebook half the time AND there wasn't any rhyme or reason to where in the notebook a set of lecture notes started. Needless to mention, I started to tear out papers and started stapling them next to the last lecture in the correct notebook in an attempt to keep it together. WHAT A MESS!!! Then, I wondered why I was so stressed when finals came around???'s a miracle I made a decent mark in my classes.

This semester, I will use a soft, multi subject, 3 ring flex binder so I can add all the loose paper I want and put it where I want it. There are tabs for the subjects and everything is clearly labeled. I also have a place to put my index cards!!! All those diagrams won't escape ME this year.