Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Litera... what?

Playing with an idea presented to me through literature:

Not here for you.
The graceful words come from your mouth and take me to another place.

I heard on the radio that a certain famous figure is just plain despicable because he doesn’t deal with controversy well and is acting like a child about it.
What would make you judge so quickly?

Getting something you don't want
And then taking something else to, in effect make the first thing go away...
Doesn't work.  It's not an infection.

Saying where you got your coat just solidifies to you and everyone else that you got it and now, where you got it.
Clothes hide, clothes reveal. Can it really be that simple?
Ha, Saying that clothes drape our body to solely protect it is quite an illusive, incomplete statement.
It is out there now and you know it!
Its interminable hold on your state will release you one day. It is alright and you are alright, really.
Really you are!
We all have clothes.

Judgements are harsh from those who don't know and I know.
Life is as complex as we make it.

Goats eat grass and give our world so much more in return. Meh heh heh heh.

Clouds form above my head. A dark day and then, the rain washes away my tears... and I climb again.