Wednesday, August 4, 2010


F*#$ Cancer!! Another oldie...

She looks at me with wide, innocent eyes and a smile.
Something I haven't seen in quite a while.

Lying in bed, I see that face. Ha, even partying and on dates.
Trying to keep my sanity, my body and mind goes off to create...

A realm peaceful and happy. I cannot fix everything.
I'm really sorry, but I have no gifts to bring.

I want to be there to help and to mold,
But my tears and my state keep me on an interminable hold.

When I'm around I see her loving, longing eyes.
But because of fear, I cannot rise.

I try, I really do, to face what I can't stir.
My life is crumbling and this is all a blur.


Stumbled across this while cleaning out my closet. I wrote it a while least 10yrs.

Wishing this feeling would go
Going day to day
Never knowing where it will show
I just kneel to pray.

The darkness, confusion
Pick my aching head.
Both bright, dim; all an intrusion
NO!!! Leave me instead.

You can't stay all the time
You will go somehow
But I really don't want to climb
So I'll have to bow.

I see the circle moon
That I have to break.
And you need to go very soon
My life is at stake!