Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Damn..., we're in a tight spot"

I like the movie Oh, Brother where art thou.
I laugh at most of the movie and love quoting it.

A few days ago, I witnessed a couple arguing in the grocery store. The "never" and "always" popped out of each of them several times before I was able to escape from earshot. The click clack of my flip flops off of the cereal aisle was COMPLETELY drowned out. As I walked, I wondered which of the lovely fighting couple would make it out alive. I sure felt sorry for the Kroger MOD.

Don't throw the cookie crisp!!!!

You know, most agree that the majority of arguments are about food. Where to eat, what to eat, how to eat, your turn to cook, my turn, etc... Now, I by no means am casting stones, because I have used these phrases. We, as humans, sometimes have a tendency to slip into a "ME" mentality, which directs blame ON SOMEONE other us. Below are a series of warning phrases.

Say these fine phrases and the second it leaves your mouth you will be in a tight spot:

Toward someone else-
It's ALL because you....
This ALWAYS happens.
You NEVER say, do, take, etc.

Or inward focused-
I'll NEVER...
I'm so STUPID I can't even...
I'm HORRIBLE because...

Overgeneralizing is hurtful because as it labels and defines how something is, it also inhibits growth and change. This, in turn, normally ensures that the same issue (or something very similar) will repeat.

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