Thursday, February 13, 2014

Can it be?

Can it be?
Will you know when it gets a hold of you?
Will it hit you too?
One day. When you’re climbing your way up?
Fighting your way through your life fight?
Or in your prime?
Every time it is a sucker punch to the gut.
Every time it has blind sided me.
No one is exempt.  It seems to affect everyone.
Either you have it, or someone you know has it.
I am not alone.
I am not afraid.
I am empowered to be more
Do more
Live more
Laugh more
Cuz I want to
Cuz I don’t want to die
Cuz I want to be right
Cuz I got to try…
And see that it’s not all that bad
It’s not just these words
It’s my life
Can’t get over the wall if I don't keep climbing.
I cant’ believe I’ve come this far.
But eyes straight ahead, I can’t look back now.
Gotta let ‘em go, it's what they’d  want anyhow!
Don't want it to bite me when I’m payin attention
To the "all important" ascension.
So yeah I get mad and sad and reminisce at times.
I tell their stories 
So just let me live,
Let me climb
Let me be.  Let it stay at bay!
So I can make my mark.

Fuck Cancer!