Saturday, June 18, 2011


Edit, please edit.  Stress to yourself to edit because it apparently can bite you really hard.  No matter what you intend, the person who reads it may not get that intention.  It hurts and sucks and apparently this life is a communications class.  Well, the effort is here.  A big, fat sincere sorry for any ill intentions received.  There are none to you.  I hope there weren't any ill effects that came your way.  Still to everyone else please...edit.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thank you Man

So I was driving down the road and stopped at a red light.  I heard a honk and looked over to my left.  I saw tinted windows and an outline of a mans head.  The back window went down.  Out from his car came, "Hey Gorgeous."  I waved with my left hand and out bounced a perplexed, "Hi."  He looked shocked and said, "oh, I didn't see your ring at first, sorry."  His sincere apology showed true character. Thank you for putting a smile on my face.  Happy to know that I am still attractive enough to get that kind of greeting. :0)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Simple Moment

Walking along the bank, the rustling of leaves and twigs stop.

She stops to pat the water with her small palm.

The cool breeze off the water collides with her face and she inhales with a jolted smile.

Evermore, the joy.
Evermore, enjoying the simple moments.
In an instant, gone.
The girl reaches up for her mother’s hand.

They continue on their way and leave the bank once more.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Below the Surface

Get me out of here. I wanna take a ride

Far away in a warmer place in time.

So cold here, just aching to see

what I can't fathom. HA, it's gotten hold of me.

Spots of silver, shaking through it all.

Moving along with little care in mind.

Come on by. Believe me- you can.

It is all here just buried deep before you ran.

So bring your red shovel and put me at ease.

Guide me to contagious laughs in pen.

I give so much more in return.

The fire blazes free, in the midst of the burn.

Friday, June 3, 2011


So I have been told that I have an active imagination and should write a romance novel. Mmmm, I might one day. For now, I will settle for the inspiration that the short story and verse offer. Cheers!

Think of me.
Think you know me.
Can’t we just be here without anything to do?
Without anything to say?

We can be here, be here, be here…..
I don’t wanna think you aren’t who I presume you are.
I wanna believe you are who I think you are….
You will be mine today, and I don’t care about tomorrow.

I seek the thrill of you, feel of you, look of you, here…..
Sitting on the brink of absolutely nothing at all….
So just be here in this space, be here, be here…..
No fights, no words, no ill conceived notions of the day, come away…..
I am here, I am here, be here….
I am here….

Friday, May 27, 2011

Going Anyway

Monkey on the free fall
Don’t know where he goes.
Loving is the time of day
I always want to grow.

Make her, take her
Carry her away.
Love her, lead her
Say goodbye someday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beautiful Noise

Running frightened from the spot light, it tangles in the web of the spider where its shell rests. The abyss isn't far. The beautiful chimes look peaceful and sound grand as they sound off. 
The aphids are no more when the wasp harbors near.
The bird flies away at the sight of a dog.
The bird doesn't peck the wasp.
The chimes ring again.
Oh, the high tones.
Oh, the low tones.
All together.
The wind blows.
They sound again.
And again.
And again.
It penetrates nerves from the inside and ruptures them.
Oh, how will you cease your sound? Can you not stop and love the quiet? Once more just quiet! Resting on the stone is a rose to cry a tear. The wind blows and silence triumphs.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Litera... what?

Playing with an idea presented to me through literature:

Not here for you.
The graceful words come from your mouth and take me to another place.

I heard on the radio that a certain famous figure is just plain despicable because he doesn’t deal with controversy well and is acting like a child about it.
What would make you judge so quickly?

Getting something you don't want
And then taking something else to, in effect make the first thing go away...
Doesn't work.  It's not an infection.

Saying where you got your coat just solidifies to you and everyone else that you got it and now, where you got it.
Clothes hide, clothes reveal. Can it really be that simple?
Ha, Saying that clothes drape our body to solely protect it is quite an illusive, incomplete statement.
It is out there now and you know it!
Its interminable hold on your state will release you one day. It is alright and you are alright, really.
Really you are!
We all have clothes.

Judgements are harsh from those who don't know and I know.
Life is as complex as we make it.

Goats eat grass and give our world so much more in return. Meh heh heh heh.

Clouds form above my head. A dark day and then, the rain washes away my tears... and I climb again.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Held in the Wings of a Dragonfly

Warm breeze through the air
Holds me in a soothing daze
Buzz of dragonflies
Zooming past my darting eyes
Calls my return and I rise.

Behold, now I state
Now is quite precious indeed
Embrace every chance
To raise your great, shining lance
And improve your circumstance.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shiny Rings

Looking up with a smile.
The shiny rings in the sky fall heavy on the dewy ground.
There lurks about this ache inside.
Compels something more from the heart.
Give, love, share...
Share in nouns, verbs, prepositions...especially prepositions.
I presuppose a certain position in this world and turn it upside down for you to see everything in pocket.
Through this page!
Na! You wouldn't look, I know.
It's all about the shiny coat and easy, breezy time.

I ache to give those rings back.
They are shiny.
They are blinding.
They make it so hard to see the face - in front of me.
You wonder why I turn around,
Dart my eyes
And turn in circles?
Well, those damn rings are detracting from the beauty that IS you.

A Guided Heart

Bits and pieces, I'm on my way.

Right this way, feeling fine.

Keep following your heart.

Bits and pieces, I've gone astray.

Not this way, change my stride.

Follow my heart, go back again.

Bits and pieces, it's all a mess now.

You'll be alright...walk away.

Follow your heart, to me.

A Pretty Picture of Words

Imagining consistency
And ladling joy
Giving it my all for you to just turn away

Thick-headed, stubborn
Heavy heart
Who the hell are you to say I'm insincere?

ha! not knowing is easier, less confusing
I get what you are doing, just go!
I guess it has nothing to with a growing heart or mind.

It's a race to be half good at everything? Buried in day to day? You say you aren't in a box?
Distant, spread apart, talking about the weather? Sticking to subjects on the surface so as not to offend Time....I mean, me?

This is not movement or growth or life. This is death. A death of the spirit.
Dig deeper, ask me. I will tell you the truth. This isn't your neck sticking out. Come on!

Wake up! You want to know more, look and you will see. You can't believe that everything you hear is just what they say it is...Words aren't always what they seem. Games, yep. Lots of them. There is more to this. There are agenda's-not only in the first person, schemes, wiggling into a life and back out again...

Is it too late to scream??

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So what! Yes, chocolate is one of my passions. Yep! It is bad. If chocolate isn't in the house, there is always cocoa powder. I can whip up a batch of brownies in no time or maybe some frosting. Ooooohhh, don't get me started on frosting. Here is a babbling on chocolate:

Chocolate is the issue tonight.
I eat all of it in sight!
The problem you see
Is that it consumes Me!
And I don't dare to put up a fight.


Guess I'll stop after fifty pounds
And a few dental crowns.
Yes! Life without chocolate will be horrible!
The thought of it, simply deplorable!
To never have chocolate around.

By giving in, I aid in assistance.
And lessen the chocolate resistance.
I really thought I could manage.
But clearly, It has the advantage.
Oh, this unearthly chocolate-eating persistence!

(woe is me)