Saturday, May 29, 2010

Scarlet Tanager

Scarlet Tanager

Pecks the wasp and tilts its head

Then swallows it whole



Light, inspire

Arousing, exciting

Stir with growing intensity



Hot, unruly

Insulting, badgering

Hurting from every single blow


Friday, May 28, 2010

"Breaking Out"

I wanna, I wanna get out.

Climb from this hole to raw ground longing to feel virgin air.

Breathe the breath that is meant, from the time that is spent

Toiling on the earth from which I came.

I wanna, I wanna explore.

Jump off this cliff and free fall onto an uncharted path.

Go the distance it takes, til creation awakes

And takes off with a life of its own.

I wanna, I wanna chuckle.

Forcefully swim through the old, mangled, rusted, steel trap door.

Cackle at the trials, swim the whole damn mile

Lifting up the finds for all to use.